Market panic: December 2018 edition.
December has been a bad month for the markets worldwide. This bull market we are in is being shaken and people are worried. I’ve had a few panic calls from clients, but even if you didn’t pick up the phone, I can sense you are nervous.
Here are the facts:
We have low unemployment
We have low inflation
We have low-interest rates
We have a growing economy.
Here are the worries:
Trade war with China
Looming recession
Rising interest rates
Government shutdown
Mueller Investigation
President Trump putting his foot in his mouth
Border security
Terrorist attacks
and finally (for my vegetarian clients) … romaine lettuce contamination.
If you concentrate on the worries blasted all over the news, you might be a little freaked out.
But if you turned off the news, you’d realize:
You have a job
You probably earned more money this year
Your company is hiring
Your mortgage rate is low
Your home has appreciated in value
and you’re generally happy.
Why is everyone so worried? Why do people think a recession is looming? I don’t have that answer, but just because we haven’t had a recession in ten years doesn’t make it any more likely.
It’s okay to feel nervous and it’s okay to ask your advisor what’s going on with your accounts, but making a change because of non-quantifiable worries vs. quantifiable facts is likely going to be a mistake.
I feel this market is massively oversold and is now trading at a lower valuation than its 65-year average. International and emerging markets are even more disproportionately undervalued in my opinion.
I have the only store in the world where when my inventory goes on sale no one wants to buy … everyone wants to wait for full price to come back!
Take care, have a great Christmas, turn off the news, and enjoy your family.